So it's been awhile since I've posted my last blog and that's because my computer was infected with a virus and crashed! It's been 4 weeks and I've finally received my computer back from repairs and I still don't know if it was fixed. It's very difficult to get information. Anyways... because I had to drop my classes back in Monterey and now won't be graduating until I return in two years. But as everyone says here - T.I.A. - This Is Africa and you must have patience.
It's been difficult for me to study the Rwandan language with all this crazy school mess happening but I'm trying to press on and hopefully on April 15th I will be sworn in as an official Peace Corps Volunteer and head off to my site. Two weeks ago we were able to visit our future sites where each of us will be spending the next two years (by ourselves). Turns out I have to get used to a latrine because a toilet is a luxury in my village.
I'm still enjoying my time here but miss everyone dearly (especially Winston!)
I'm so sorry to hear about the computer craziness! Glad you're having a good time despite all that. Miss you!
You look great woman! Sorry you had to drop your classes, but now you can really concentrate on the Peace Corps experience. :-)
Good to hear from you MR! Way to go, you are doing awesome!
Sorry about your computer and classes at MIIS. I can say though, it's probably better because it's been crazy stressful trying to keep up with directed study for me, almost impossible.
Hope your swear-in goes well and I hope I can hear more from you soon!!
Miss you!
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